Pigmentary Demarcation Lines

Erase the Lines: Achieve a Seamless Skin Tone

Commonly found dark greenish or brownish patches of skin with clear boundaries across the cheek bones or beneath angles of the mouth are pigmentary demarcation lines (PDL). They sometimes resemble a development from dark circles. These patches have pointed points jutting down from V or W forms. Additionally light-colored streaks or patches can be PDLs. Their occurrence results from genetic mosaicism.

These pigmentary demarcation lines first show at what age?

PDL often strikes after 9-10 years of age. They occasionally take the stage either during or following pregnancy.

Where might one find pigmentary demarcation lines?

Common on the cheekbone and below angles of the mouth, PDLs can also develop in arms, mid-abdomen below the navel, back side of thigh and midback. They can be light-colored across mid-chest (presternal) and on the sides of the chest (pectors).

How one may avoid pigmentary demarcation lines?

This disorder cannot be avoided since it results from genetic mosaicism. These lines cannot be totally and completely addressed either either. Melanin raises UV sensitivity, hence regular broad-spectrum sunscreen is absolutely necessary.

For pigmentary demarcation lines, what are the available treatments?

Since these pigmentations are deep, the main stay-on treatment is lightning laser. Several treatments spaced three to four weeks help clear these areas.


Before and After results

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Mahalaxmipuram No. 45/A, 9th B Cross, 2nd Stage, West of Chord Road, Mahalaxmi Puram Bengaluru – 560086


Mon to Sat,
Morning – 10 am to 2 pm
Evening – 5 pm to 8:30 pm